Challenging a Will in BC: Moral Obligations Threshold Test
Considering Cases: Separated Spouses against Life Long Friends Tippett v Tippett Estate, 2015 BCSC 291 At the Kushner Law Group, we strive to make sure our clients understand new and interesting developments in the law to make sure they are well advised about the potential outcomes of their cases. In the case considered below the Court was required to consider the …Read more →
Pondering Precedents – Spouses in Different Houses
Pondering Precedents – Common Law Spouses in Different Houses Wills Estates and Succession Act The issue of spouses who live in different houses was considered by the courts here in British Columbia in the case of Richardson Estate (Re), 2014 BCSC 2162. This blog post is the first in a series called “Pondering Precedents” where we …Read more →
Lost in Limitations – Estate Litigation
Lost in Limitations: BC Estate Litigation Lawyers The law regarding limitation dates is confusing for both lawyers and non-lawyers alike. In layman’s terms, a limitation date is the deadline for when you may file a claim. Here in British Columbia, there are a number of different acts that govern limitation periods. The new Limitation Act, SBC 2012, came into force on …Read more →