Wills Variation, Estate Planning & Litigation

If you believe that you have been wrongfully left out of a will, or not properly provided for, you may need to apply for a will variation. We have experience acting as wills and estate lawyers on behalf of various parties, including named beneficiaries under a will who seek to protect their inheritance, unnamed beneficiaries who have been left out of a will, personal representatives appointed under a will or by a court, and persons seeking to inherit when a close relative has died without a will (also known as an intestacy). In cases involving a will variation, we aim to resolve our clients’ cases in a timely and efficient manner utilizing alternative dispute resolution methods where possible. Where litigation is necessary, we will confidently and passionately represent your interests in court.
We have also assisted clients in all legal aspects of end-of-life planning, including estate planning and wills, power of attorney agreements, representation agreements, health care directives, and committeeship nominations. We offer comprehensive packages to provide you with certainty in the event of incapacity or death. We welcome the opportunity to work with couples and extended families.
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