
What people say about us

I have hired Lars Kushner to assist me with a number of cases. He has consistently exceeded my expectations and I would have no reservation recommending his services.

Henry C. WoodQ.C. Beach Avenue Barristers

Recently, Lars helped me through the process of drafting my will.  He is very helpful as well as patient.  He is good at explaining legal terms.

The entire process was simple, quick and comfortable.  I appreciated that his prices were lower than others who offer the same services.

Tim BegleyOwnerPositive Shift Health and Fitness

The College was looking for assistance in developing a publication policy regarding complaints. Howard prepared a discussion paper identifying various options and conducted a one-day workshop on the topic for senior staff and board members. The paper was thorough, well-researched and informative. The workshop was well-prepared and engaging. The College was very satisfied with Howard’s work and shortly after the workshop, the College approved a Complaints and Discipline Publication Policy based upon Howard’s recommendations.

Carmel WisemanDirector of Professional RegulationCollege of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia

My name is Bill Ellison I had a fairly complicated legal matter to deal with.Lars was recommended to me by the lawyer I had been using for realestate and mortgages.I was very impressed with Lars and his team I felt a lot of my stress go away the case involved a estate problem. Lars took my case on a percentage base of what I may receive Lars also helped out my son in the same case.this case went on for around 3 years in the end we received a very good result for my son and I.Lars took care of a old separation agreement that needed to be finalized into a divorce so that we could make a will.the other party lived out of province the matter was taken care of quite quickly.Lars took care of these things with out any problems.another thing I was impressed with is the speed he responds info back and forth to other lawyers ect that really speeds up the cases.I would have no problem recomending Kushner Law to any body who needs a lawyer.

Bill EllisonSquamish B.C.

Lars helped me resolve my legal issues in a quick and practical manner. He listened carefully to my problem and determined an appropriate and effective solution. I would highly recommend the Kushner Law Group.


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