Funding Family Law Litigation
BC Family Law Litigation & Help Paying There is no way around the fact that litigation is expensive and family law litigation is no exception to this. In family law disputes, there can be a further level of complexity when one side has substantially more assets than the other and thus the ability to fund the litigation. The legislature has …Read more →
Adoption & Wills Variation
Adopted Children & BC Wills Variation As our society in British Columbia modernizes and grows, there are many more differing family arrangements than the traditional nuclear family envisioned in the post-war era. As our family structures change, legislation must also evolve to recognize these changing arrangements. Section 60 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act, recognizes two distinct classes of …Read more →
Considering Credibility in Estate Litigation
Finding Credibility in B.C. Estate Litigation Estate litigation is an area of law where issues of credibility can be central to the case. When the dispute revolves around the wishes of a deceased person or involves actions or discussions that occurred before the death, the only person who knows the truth is not around to weigh in. The British Columbia …Read more →