BC Estate Litigation: Can Underage Minors Make A Will?
How Old do you Need to be to Make a Will? Can Minors Under 19 Make a Will in B.C.? Wills are very important legal documents and somewhat surprisingly, many British Columbians die without having a will. While a lawyer is not required for the will-making process, hiring a lawyer can provide testators with a piece of mind that they …Read more →
4 Tips For Successful Lawyer-Client Relationships
Lawyer-Client Relationships Tips At the Kushner Law Group, we know that litigation can be very stressful. Clients often come into our offices when they are dealing with an unexpected problem and they need the help of an experienced and capable lawyer to resolve their issue. In the areas of wills variation and estate litigation, we find that these cases are often …Read more →
An Executor’s Role in Wills Variation Litigation
Explaining the Executor’s Role in Wills Variation Litigation The job of being executor is a crucial role when it comes to managing and distributing an estate and the executor’s role is even more significant if the estate they are managing is the subject of a wills variation action. In an action where someone is challenging the distribution of an …Read more →