Adoption & Wills Variation
Adopted Children & BC Wills Variation As our society in British Columbia modernizes and grows, there are many more differing family arrangements than the traditional nuclear family envisioned in the post-war era. As our family structures change, legislation must also evolve to recognize these changing arrangements. Section 60 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act, recognizes two distinct classes of …Read more →
BC Wills Variation & Inter-Vivos Transfers
BC Wills Variation How BC Courts May Account for Gifts Between Living People Wills Variation litigation is often involving parties who believe that have been treated unfairly following the death of a spouse or parent. While the Wills Estates and Succession Act provides certain classes of disappointed beneficiaries with an effective tool to remedy inequalities, the Court is limited in what it …Read more →
Qualified Life Interests Don’t Cut It
Spouse Deserves More than a ‘Qualified Life Interest’ in the Estate Estate Planners, Morality, & BC Will Variation Case Law Estate planners can often be creative in their planning solutions depending on the instructions they receive from a will-maker (known as a testator). One option open to will-makers is to provide a life estate in a piece property which allows the beneficiary …Read more →