Using Notional Separation in Wills Variation Actions
What is Notional Separation in Wills Estates and Succession Act (WESA)? The Wills Estates and Succession Act provides spouses and children with the ability to challenge the will of a deceased spouse or parent if they believe that they have not been adequately provided for. In the case of the spouses, one tool that the Courts have used in determining …Read more →
Curing Deficiencies in Wills With WESA – Part 2
In part 1 of this blog series, we began discussing the case of Skopyk Estate, 2017 BCSC 2335 where the British Columbia Supreme Court was asked to consider an application under s. 58 of the Wills Estates and Succession Act (“WESA”) to determine if an unsigned handwritten document of the Deceased had sufficient testamentary intent to revoke or alter a …Read more →
Issues to Consider When Making a Will in Vancouver
At the Kushner Law Group, we have helped many clients with the drafting of their wills. It is very satisfying to assist clients in helping them carefully consider their estate planning goals and providing them with the certainty and security in having a binding, properly drafted will. Here are 4 of the major issues that people should consider when preparing …Read more →