Until Death Do Us Part…and Beyond? Family Law – Part 1
There are many intersections between Family Law and Estate Law. Both areas of law are highly personal and in British Columbia both Family law and Estate law have undergone significant shifts as a result of the introductions of the Family Law Act and the Wills Estates and Succession Act . Estate Lawyers can find themselves dealing with family law issues …Read more →
Becoming Administrator of an Estate
Estate litigation lawyers will always harp on the importance of having a will. When someone dies without a will, they are considered to have died intestate. In the situation of an intestacy, someone must apply to be the Administrator of the Estate of the Deceased. The Administrator’s role is similar to that of an Executor except that the Administrator provides …Read more →
Revocation of Wills
In a previous blog post, we discussed the many circumstances wherein a testator (a will-maker) ought to consider making a new will. However, before someone makes a new will, it is important to consider how to properly revoke an old will. The Wills, Estates and Succession Act provides specific requirements as to how one can properly revoke an valid old …Read more →